
CA Intermediate Study Plan Sept 2024 Exams


Study Plan for CA Intermediate: After completing the CA Foundation exams, students are eligible to participate in the CA Intermediate Course. Students will have eight months from the time of registration to complete the CA Intermediate Syllabus and prepare for the exams. The ICAI offers exams in the months of January, September, and May each year.

The length of the CA Intermediate course makes it challenging for students to study and review the information in the allocated study period. We’ve put together a study plan for CA Intermediate to help you prepare for the upcoming exams in September 2024. If you follow this study plan, you’ll have plenty of time to finish mock exam papers and modifications.

Examine the CA New Scheme, which the ICAI has suggested for all CA test levels starting in 2024. Students can also verify the exam dates from the CA Intermediate Sept 2024 exam dates.

CA Intermediate Study Plan

Before proceeding to the CA interstudy plan, students must know what to study and how much time to devote to each paper.

Subjects Pattern Time
Advanced Accounting Practical 118 Hrs
Corporate & Other Laws 30% MCQ

70% Subjective

108 Hrs
Taxation 30% MCQ

70% Subjective

140 Hrs
Cost and Management Accounting Practical 103 Hrs
Auditing & Ethics 30% MCQ

70% Subjective

86 Hrs
Financial Management and Strategic Management 30% MCQ

70% Subjective

89 Hrs

35 Hrs

*The number of hours mentioned in the above table is the estimated lecture hours.

CA Intermediate Exam Dates Sept 2024

7 Month Study Plan for the CA Inter September 2024 Exams

For seven months, I will work with you to prepare for your exams. To complete the whole syllabus for the CA Intermediate course, students should set goals for each month.

Time hours to study: 10-12 hours daily

Subjects to revise daily: Accounts, Cost accounting, Advance accounting (4 hours practical daily)

Subjects to revise weekly: Law, Eco, Sm (fix one day of the week)

Papers to revise fortnightly (15 days): Audit, Enterprise information system (Assign the number of hours to be devoted in each subject)

  • Choose a place that works well for you to study.
  • The room’s lighting and chair should both be comfortable.
  • Sit up straight and in a comfortable position to study.
  • There should be nothing that keeps you from studying.
  • Take well-organized notes and use markers to emphasize important details.
  • Make use of the most recent syllabus compilers.

First Month Study Plan for CA Intermediate September 2024

Make notes and gain knowledge about the syllabus. Try to finish the chapter’s theoretical section in the first month of preparation.

Second Month Study Plan for CA Intermediate September 2024

Continue focusing on the theoretical components of the disciplines and try to understand the underlying concepts so that it will be simpler for you to continue with further studies. The course material is comprehensive, so you’ll need to study on a regular basis.

CA Intermediate Third-Month Preparation Strategy

Now is the time to spend the full day practicing real-world challenges. Exams are in just five months, therefore you have to finish the course by the deadline by studying consistently.

CA Intermediate Study Plan for the Last 4 Months

If you are unsure, ask your lecturers or seniors for advice. At this point, you should be well-versed in the subject matter and fully committed to the practical portion of the course.

5th Months Study Plan for CA Intermediate September 2024

Take a seat, concentrate on the topic you know a lot about, and try to work out any problems or puzzles that are associated with that topic or question. Again, you can seek guidance from your instructors or seniors.

6th Month Study Plan for CA Intermediate

You finally arrive here for your tests for the final two days. Exams are coming up, so if you have unfinished business with the course, don’t rush things. You will undoubtedly be able to review those remaining topics if you follow your study strategy.

7th Month Study Plan for CA Intermediate September 2024

Be neither anxious nor cocky at this point. It’s time to maintain your physical and mental well-being. You will feel prepared and optimistic about your abilities if you follow a disciplined and concentrated study schedule.

Also Explore :


CA Intermediate Syllabus 2024

Paper 1: Advanced Accounting ( 100 Marks )

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting Standards
Chapter 2: Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
Chapter 3: Applicability of Accounting Standards
Chapter 4: Presentation and Disclosures Based Accounting Standards

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies

●       Unit 2: Accounting Standard 3 Cash Flow Statement

●       Unit 3: Accounting Standard 17 Segment Reporting

●       Unit 4: Accounting Standard 18 Related Party Disclosures

●       Unit 5: Accounting Standard 20 Earnings Per Share

●       Unit 6: Accounting Standard 24 Discontinuing Operations

●       Unit 7: Accounting Standard 25 Interim Financial Reporting

Chapter 5: Assets Based Accounting Standards

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 2 Valuation of Inventory

●       Unit 2: Accounting Standard 10 Property, Plant and Equipment

●       Unit 3: Accounting Standard 13 Accounting for Investments

●       Unit 4: Accounting Standard 16 Borrowing Costs

●       Unit 5: Accounting Standard 19 Leases

●       Unit 6: Accounting Standard 26 Intangible Assets

●       Unit 7: Accounting Standard 28 Impairment of Assets

Chapter 6: Liabilities Based Accounting Standards

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 15 Employee Benefits

●       Unit 2: AS 29 (Revised) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Chapter 7: Accounting Standards Based on Items Impacting Financial Statement

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 4 Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance Sheet Date

●       Unit 2: Accounting Standard 5 Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies

●       Unit 3: Accounting Standard 11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates

●       Unit 4: Accounting Standard 22 Accounting for Taxes on Income

Chapter 8: Revenue Based Accounting Standards

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 7 Construction Contracts

●       Unit 2: Accounting Standard 9 Revenue Recognition

Chapter 9: Other Accounting Standards

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 12 Accounting for Government Grants

●       Unit 2: Accounting Standard 14 Accounting for Amalgamations

Chapter 10: Accounting Standards for Consolidated Financial Statement

●       Unit 1: Accounting Standard 21 Consolidated Financial Statements

●       Unit 2: Accounting Standard 23 Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statement

●       Unit 3: Accounting Standard 27 Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures

Chapter 11: Financial Statements of Companies

●       Unit 1: Preparation of Financial Statements

●       Unit 2: Cash Flow Statement

Chapter 12: Buyback of Securities
Chapter 13: Amalgamation of Companies
Chapter 14: Accounting for Reconstruction of Companies
Chapter 15: Accounting for Branches including Foreign Branches

Paper 2: Corporate and Other Laws (100 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: Preliminary
Chapter 2: Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental Thereto
Chapter 3: Prospectus and Allotment of Securities
Chapter 4: Share Capital and Debentures
Chapter 5: Acceptance of Deposits by Companies
Chapter 6: Registration of Charges
Chapter 7: Management & Administration
Chapter 8: Declaration and Payment of Dividend
Chapter 9: Accounts of Companies
Chapter 10: Audit and Auditors
Chapter 11: Companies Incorporated Outside India
Module-3 Chapter 12: The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
Module-3 (Part-II Other Laws)
Chapter 1: The General Clauses Act, 1897
Chapter 2: Interpretation of Statutes
Chapter 3: The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999

Paper 3: Taxation (100 Marks)

Section A: Income Tax Law (50 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Section I

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

Chapter 2: Residence and Scope of Total Income

Section II

Chapter 3: Heads of Income

Section III

Chapter 4: Income of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income

Chapter 5: Aggregation of Income, Set-Off and Carry Forward of Losses

Chapter 6: Deductions from Gross Total Income

Section IV

Chapter 7: Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at Source and Tax Collection at Source

Chapter 8: Provisions for filing Return of Income and Self Assessment

Section V

Chapter 9: Income Tax Liability – Computation and Optimisation

Section B: Goods and Service Tax (50 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: GST in India – An Introduction
Chapter 2: Supply under GST
Chapter 3: Charge of GST
Chapter 4: Place of Supply
Chapter 5: Exemptions from GST
Chapter 6: Time of Supply
Chapter 7: Value of Supply
Chapter 8: Input Tax Credit
Chapter 9: Registration
Chapter 10: Tax Invoice; Credit and Debit Notes
Chapter 11: Accounts and Records
Chapter 12: E-Way Bill
Chapter 13: Payment of Tax
Chapter 14: Tax Deduction at Source and Collection of Tax at Source
Chapter 15: Returns

Paper-4: Cost and Management Accounting (100 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting
Chapter 2: Material Cost
Chapter 3: Employee Cost and Direct Expenses
Chapter 4: Overheads – Absorption Costing Method
Chapter 5: Activity Based Costing
Chapter 6: Cost Sheet
Chapter 7: Cost Accounting Systems
Chapter 8: Unit and Batch Costing
Chapter 9: Job Costing
Chapter 10: Process and Operation Costing
Chapter 11: Joint Products and By Products
Chapter 12: Service Costing
Chapter 13: Standard Costing
Chapter 14: Marginal Costing
Chapter 15: Budgets and Budgetary Control

Paper 5: Audit and Ethics (100 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit
Chapter 2: Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
Chapter 3: Risk Assessment and Internal Control
Chapter 4: Audit Evidence
Chapter 5: Audit of Items of Financial Statements
Chapter 6: Audit Documentation
Chapter 7: Completion and Review
Chapter 8: Audit Report
Chapter 9: Special Features of Audit of Different Type of Entities
Chapter 10: Audit of Banks
Chapter 11: Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements

Paper 6: Financial Management and Strategic Management (100 Marks)

Section A: Financial Management (50 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: Scope and Objectives of Financial Management
Chapter 2: Types of Financing
Chapter 3: Financial Analysis and Planning – Ratio Analysis
Chapter 4: Cost of Capital
Chapter 5: Financing Decisions – Capital Structure
Chapter 6: Financing Decisions – Leverages
Chapter 7: Investment Decisions
Chapter 8: Dividend Decision
Chapter 9: Management of Working Capital

Section B: Strategic Management (100 Marks)

Syllabus Modules Chapters
Chapter 1: Introduction to Strategic Management
Chapter 2: Strategic Analysis: External Environment
Chapter 3: Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment
Chapter 4: Strategic Choices
Chapter 5: Strategy Implementation and Evaluation

CA Inter GST RTP Discussion 💼 | Sept 2024 Attempt 📚 | By CA Rajesh Nanda

Why do so Many Students Fail CA Intermediate Exams?

1. Too much negativity around

Since only a 2–5% of students graduate CA courses, you will undoubtedly experience more failures than achievements. Hence, if you query or counsel students who failed the tests, you risk receiving negative feedback and being mislead.

 2. No proper study material

ICAI is the organization in charge of the CA course. Enough CA Inter study resources have been provided to the students. The ICAI material’s vocabulary is a little more complicated than those of other study guides available on the market. Students often find themselves deviating from their chosen subject when studying with those market magazines.

 3. No proper guidance

ICAI modified and revised the course on a regular basis. When redesigning the CA Intermediate exam, industry demands and expectations are taken into account. Because they are unable to keep their syllabuses up to date in compliance with ICAI, several CA coaching centers permit their students to study from outdated resources.

In addition to helping students pass the CA intermediate examinations, Lakshya Edu has discovered the traps and created and implemented a study strategy that enables students to get top scores and rank among the top scorers.

The Best CA Intermediate Study Plan from Lakshya Edu is divided into three areas. It answers the three key and important questions posed by students who want to perform as highly as possible on the September 2024 CA Intermediate Exams.

  • What to study?
  • How to study?
  • And When to study.

If you follow this study plan with total dedication and sincerity, you will surely be able to crack the CA intermediate exams with flying colours.

Preparation Tips for CA Intermediate September 2024

  • Preserve your emotional and physical health.
  • Make sure your schedule and photographs are in one place and download your hall pass prior to the start of your CA Intermediates exams.
  • Every day, spend fifteen minutes exercising.
  • Keep your digestive system in good condition by eating a balanced diet.
  • Keep in touch with loved ones for a prearranged period of time.
  • Develop the habit of reading and stay up to date on current affairs.

To get a good CA Intermediate score, students need to use the ICAI study materials and CA Intermediate papers, which include mock test papers, previous year exams, revision test papers, etc.

Lakshya Edu Pune has put together the best study materials, which are sufficient for students to achieve high scores in our opinion. The CA intermediate compiler consists of

  1. ICAI syllabus
  2. ICAI study material
  3. Previous year’s question paper with suggested answers
  4. Mock Test papers
  5. Revision test papers
  6. Sample Questions for 30:70 Assessment
  7. Tips and tricks for Intermediate exams

Along with this study material, you will obtain updated ICAI study resources and a revised syllabus. To help the students understand the study material better, the teachers at Lakshya Edu explain it to them in clear language.

Through practicing the previous year’s question paper and providing answers that are similar to the recommended solutions, the student improves their ability to provide the answers in the format required by ICAI, which aids in their ability to receive marks.

Frequently Asked Question

How many hours should I study daily to prepare for the CA Intermediate?

Students should study for at least 10-12 hours.

Do I need to buy books from the market to study apart from ICAI study material for CA Intermediate?

No, studying the ICAI material is sufficient to comprehend the course. Exam preparation is aided by the question paper and sample test papers.

How can I make a study plan for CA Intermediate?

Your study plan for CA Intermediate should be useful, thorough, and conducive to finishing the course in seven months. You ought to be able to respond to questions on when, how, and what to study. The study plan is also available to you on our blog.

Is it possible to pass the CA Intermediate in 2 months?

No, two months isn’t nearly long enough to finish the course. You’ll also need enough time to go over the course material and practice exams again.